
Writing a blog is more interesting than I expected. I believed blog writing was just a place where you could speak your mind, but it’s becoming clearer to me that the same amount of work you’d put into an essay or research, you have to put into blog writing. When I first created The Daily Passionfruit, I thought of writing posts as less of an assignment and more “lax”. Because I wrote so “laxly”, it was easy to forget the requirements for my posts to meet the blog standards. A relevant post would have relevant and creative content, easy for readers to learn and analyze, while being open enough for readers to discuss and respond to; it would contain embedded media, such as hyperlinks, images, examples, to help engage the reader and appeal to the audience. My first few posts didn’t include much media content or sources to engage my audience, just a lengthy paragraph and a picture of two. Although I put my best foot forward into my writing, reviewing and revising my work before pu...